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Du hast keine Lust mehr, deine Songs nur deinen eigenen vier Wänden vorzuspielen oder deine Band hat sich aufgelöst aber du willst unbedingt weiter Musik machen? Finde hier Leute auf deiner Wellenlänge und gründe mit ihnen eine Band oder steige in bestehende Projekte ein.

Neuen Sucheintrag erstellen

  • edie am
    02.08.2024 - 20:14

    Band searching for guitar player!

    LA HAINE is searching for a guitar player! We started playing shows this year, and would like to write new material together. if you like bands like GEL, Gouge away, Drugchurch, have already some…
  • Fabi-Herold-Seymour am
    02.08.2024 - 13:59

    Post Punk Band sucht Sänger/in

    Hallo ihr lieben Suchenden Musiker*innen, If you prefer, I can also send you everything in English Wir Schlagzeuger, Gitarrist und Bassist suchen Unterstützung beim Gesang. Musikalisch ordnen wir…
  • mustconfett am
    01.08.2024 - 18:55

    Indieband | Guitar & Bass | Neugründung…

    Wir möchten eine Indie-Band gründen und suchen noch Verstärkung am Bass und an der Gitarre. Stilistisch soll es in Richtung Haim, The Beaches, Paramore, Wolf Alice, The Big Moon, Big Thief... gehen.…
  • Rising Alma am
    31.07.2024 - 23:49

    Drummer - Schlagzeuger

    We are the band Rising Alma and are looking for a drummer(rock/metal). We are looking for a dedicated person that wants to play and grow with the band. You can listen to our music and find more about…
  • domusic1406 am
    31.07.2024 - 06:43

    Band sucht Bass

    Hey, wir, eine fünfköpfige Indie-Rock Band (25-43) mit 2x Gesang, Lead und Rhythmus Gitarre und Drums, sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen Person am Bass (m/w/d). Wir proben jeden Di von 18-20 Uhr in…
  • sumpe13 am
    30.07.2024 - 19:43


    hello, we are an alternative/melodic/synth-rock band looking for a singer (preferably female/non-binary) who: - are experienced with singing live and recording - are comfortable with using her/…
  • Ed Richwood am
    29.07.2024 - 17:14


    Discover your true vocal potential with expert singing lessons in Jazz, Metal, Pop, Rock, Musical, and Experimental styles! With 30 years of singing experience and 15 years of teaching expertise,…
  • Dapit am
    29.07.2024 - 03:11

    Drummer sucht Hardcore Band

    Moin Drummer, 34, einige Jahre Erfahrung, bissl eingerostet, suche Hardcore Band in Richtung Hatebreed, Terror, Wisdom in Chains, Stick to your Guns, etc. Cover oder eigene Songs, DE oder EN.…
  • Mishana2261426 am
    29.07.2024 - 01:09

    Amateur guitarist looking for a drummer

    Hi everyone ;) I’m 19 y.o. guitarist with no experience playing in a band) Looking for people who are also not professionals and are interested in jamming or smth. Playing various genres from funk to…
  • noveau.artist am
    28.07.2024 - 16:25

    Multi/instrumentalist looking to jam

    Hi , I am 28 from Canada. I used to have a band back in Toronto but looking to start jamming again with others. I play multiple instruments, drums (15 years), Guitar (10 years) and bass. My…
  • Melih am
    27.07.2024 - 18:46

    Guitarist Forming A Hard Rock Band

    Hi! I am Mel, a guitarist with 16 years of playing background. I'm 30. I mostly play hard rock, rock, blues, and grunge. I'm looking for a lead vocalist, a bassist, and a drummer to form a…
  • TomKolumbus am
    25.07.2024 - 16:30


    Lust auf deinen eigenen Raum zum Musik machen? Unser wunderbarer Proberaum in Berlin-Lichtenberg sucht ab August neue Mitmieter:innen. Dich/euch erwarten: 40qm mit Teppichboden & hoher Decke ⏰…
  • PeterSchwan am
    24.07.2024 - 15:02

    Bassist sucht die härtere Gangart

    Ahoi, ich suche eine ambitionierte/ professionelle Band im Genre Metal, Hardcore und Punkrock. Ich bin 35, aus Ost-Berlin und erfahren am Bass, in Bands und auf Bühnen. Viele Bühnen sollten das…
  • wilfredo am
    23.07.2024 - 15:52

    Peruvian Singer wants to…

    Hi all, I'm an amateur musician and have been writing my own simple music for the last many months as well as singing in open mics every now and then. You can find my work here: https://www.…
  • Dangario am
    22.07.2024 - 14:51

    Sängerin Gesucht

    Band im Stil klassischer Heavy Metal britischer Prägung mit starkem Classic Rock Anteil sucht leidenschaftliche Sängerin mit Erfahrung. Alles Weitere per PM
  • Ed Richwood am
    22.07.2024 - 10:33

    Professional Vocal Coaching

    Trained with Berklee's program (probably the best school in the world for Modern music) and with the latest singing techniques 30 years of singing experience. 15 years of teaching experience.…
  • likenavid am
    21.07.2024 - 14:23

    bass player available for doom or other…

    beginner double bass / bass guitar player with background in jazz piano looking for band or people to play music with. Preferably jazz standards or Doom Jazz like Bohren & Der Club of Gore.…
  • jek500 am
    20.07.2024 - 13:01

    Looking for fellow musicians

    Hey, I'm 24 years old and an experienced guitarist. I'm looking for people around the same age for casual jamming sessions and to just play some music together. No long-term commitment…
  • Drummer am
    20.07.2024 - 13:01

    Drummer available

    Professional drummer with int. live and studio experience is looking for prof. project to tour, record, etc. Style: Rock/Hardrock.... Mötley Crue,Velvet Revolver, The Cult, Deep Purple, Stone Temple…
  • Ed Richwood am
    18.07.2024 - 18:21

    Professional Vocal Coaching

    Unlock your true vocal potential with expert singing lessons in Jazz, Metal, Pop, Rock, Musical, and Experimental styles! With 30 years of singing experience and 15 years of teaching expertise,…
  • squaw_25 am
    18.07.2024 - 09:36

    Beginner Drummer sucht Drums lessons

    Hallo Drum-community, hello drum-community (english below), ich suche Schlagzeug Unterricht für circa einmal die Woche, bevorzugt Samstag oder Sonntagmittag oder Dienstag oder Donnerstag ab…
  • concrete86 am
    16.07.2024 - 14:31

    Hi there! I'm looking for someone that plays the Keys - I have a regular slot on Sundays in a room in Moabit and would like to put some songs together there. Genre is psychedelic/rock/funky (…
  • chuck.struggler am
    15.07.2024 - 16:37

    Need Singer! '77 Punk, Dolls

    Hey, we're lookin for a singer with guts! Someone who can really blast it out, but can also hold a melody. Thats it.
  • Rising Alma am
    15.07.2024 - 13:36

    Drummer - Schlagzeuger

    We are the band Rising Alma and are looking for a drummer(rock/metal). We are looking for a dedicated person that wants to play and grow with the band. You can listen to our music and find more about…
  • MaybeDodds am
    15.07.2024 - 12:52

    Drummer looking for Swing - Lindy…

    Experienced player looking to make folks dance, playing early jazz. Maybe you need a sub when your drummer is out of town, maybe you're a group looking for a new traps player or maybe you want…
  • luiaard am
    14.07.2024 - 18:16

    Drummer sucht Musiker*innen…

    Suche Leute für Neugründung. Bevorzugt Stoner, Sludge, Doom, Post-Metal, Prog oder Shoegaze/Alternative Metal (gerne auch Ähnliches in der Richtung). Zurzeit höre ich arg gerne: YOB, Pallbearer,…
  • simulakrum am
    13.07.2024 - 11:25

    Drummer*in gesucht

    Wir (Sänger/Gitarrist, beide Anfang 40) suchen für deutschsprachiges Gothpunk-Projekt eine/n Drummer/in. Spaß, Freundlichkeit und Experimentierfreude sind uns wichtiger als instrumentale Virtuosität…
  • Vatermord_band am
    12.07.2024 - 08:44

    Blackened-Sludge Band looking for drums

    Blackened-Sludge Band Vatermord is looking for someone to play drums. If you're interested, get in touch!…
  • Felix_BLN am
    11.07.2024 - 23:36

    Bass gesucht für Pop-Punk/Indie-Rock

    Hallo zusammen. Wir suchen jemanden am Bass! Wir sind alle Anfang/Mitte/Ende 30 und es wäre schön, wenn du auch vom Alter her zu uns passen würdest. Wir bestehen aus einer Sängerin, einem…
  • Ed Richwood am
    10.07.2024 - 17:22


    Unlock your true vocal potential with expert singing lessons in Jazz, Metal, Pop, Rock, Musical, and Experimental styles! With 30 years of singing experience and 15 years of teaching expertise,…
  • minor offences am
    09.07.2024 - 18:35


    Minor Offences sucht einen neuen Schlagzeuger/Percussionisten. Wir spielen nur Originals. Wie wir klingen, kannst du hier hören.
  • rutto am
    09.07.2024 - 08:43


    Bassist sucht Band,Punk Rock/Rock n Roll gute Erfahrungen im Studio wie auf der Bühne Keine interesse an INDIE,POP und Cover Bands
  • DavisS am
    07.07.2024 - 00:01

    Drummer / Schlagzeuger sucht geile Band

    Hey, ich bin Davis, liebe Musik über alles (vorallem Funk, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Soul), spiele seit meinem dritten Lebensjahr Schlagzeug, bin vor einigen Jahren mit Künstlern wie Marti Fischer durchs…
  • Sugarskull am
    06.07.2024 - 19:47

    Looking for Punkband(members) 🧑🏼‍🎤🎸

    Hello ^^ I'm a female Punkrock Singer/Songwriter lookin' for a band/bandmembers: I have written and already pre-arranged multiple songs to record for my project SugarSkull. I'm…
  • Dangario am
    06.07.2024 - 11:32

    Metal Band sucht Bassisten

    Ambitionierte Metal Band in Berlin sucht Bassisten. Stil: Heavy Metal, klassisch, mit Thrash Anteilen Hörproben auf Anfrage
  • desiree33 am
    05.07.2024 - 15:42

    Looking for a drummer, bassist, guitarist…

    Hey everyone! :) I‘m a female singer/songwriter and producer, 22 years old looking to form a band to perform a gig on August 1st in a small summer festival in Berlin (covers and maybe one original…
  • Alex_Alex am
    05.07.2024 - 10:23

    Clean female voice to Melodic Death…

    Hi everyone! Berlin based melodic death metal project is looking for a female metal/rock singer with good clean vocal skills. If you are not from Berlin, remote cooperation is possible as well.…
  • seeya am
    04.07.2024 - 23:06

    Looking for a Drummer.

    Maybe some Garage- Punk and Indie- Rock stuff?
  • bikeeatstagedive am
    04.07.2024 - 19:01

    Bassist Wanted for Post-…

    Do you like bands like Title Fight, Turnover or Balance and Composure? What about Narrow Head, Pity Sex or just Run for Cover records as a label? If you want to mix heavy and fast songs with huge…
  • alejandro.vilchespino am
    04.07.2024 - 10:45

    Keyboard player searching for band

    keyboard player searching for an existing rock or pop band. Music I like: 80s pop , current electronic pop from radio and Eurovision progressive rock (Rush and Genesis are my favourite bands)…
  • Mercy am
    04.07.2024 - 04:25

    Beginner Drummer looking for ppl to…

    Hey guys I'm a drummer in the beginner stages (sat behind the kit a few times, can support a basic groove) and I am looking for other people who are also in the early stages of learning their…
  • Rising Alma am
    03.07.2024 - 20:20

    Looking for Drummer

    We are the band Rising Alma and are looking for a drummer(rock/metal). You can listen to our music and find more about on Spotify and social media. So, if you are interested get in touch with us.…
  • Sarah.omoore am
    03.07.2024 - 19:59

    Looking for a guitarist to start up a Duo

    Hey all 😄 I'm looking to start a duo. So on the hunt for a guitarist ! The focus is on originals and a few covers with the hope to be doing gigs very soon. Also the style of music is blue…
  • Josephine am
    03.07.2024 - 17:26

    Blues/Rock band looking for drummer

    Hey there, we are a guitarist and a singer who are looking to start a blues rock band. We're now looking for a drummer with a couple of years of experience, a passion for rock and blues, and who…
  • KarstenImExil am
    03.07.2024 - 17:12

    Drummer looking for Band/musicians *BERLIN…

    Drummer (50) looking for a gigging Top40-Cover-Partyband or expirienced musicians (B/G/Key/Vox/Sax) who would be willing to put in the effort to make a new band work. Originally I studied music but…
  • PJ_ am
    03.07.2024 - 14:27

    Darkwave Synth Post punk Vocal (F)…

    I'm PJ and I'm a synth wave, cold wave , post punk music producer. I'm searching a female singer, german speaking would be cool, for a new project . hit me up if you would be…
  • m.sheridan93 am
    01.07.2024 - 16:49

    Guitar Lessons Available – Rock…

    Experience: 18 years of playing guitar. Location: Berlin (in-person) or online lessons Levels: All skill levels welcome About the Lessons: Specializing in rock and metal genres. Techniques,…
  • Ed Richwood am
    01.07.2024 - 14:53


    Unlock your true vocal potential with expert singing lessons in Jazz, Metal, Pop, Rock, Musical, and Experimental styles! With 30 years of singing experience and 15 years of teaching expertise,…