Mon, 08/21/2023 - 17:26

Psychedelic/Funky Band looking for Key + Synth Player for Recording + Gigs

Hi! Psychedelic/Funky Project consisting of Vocals, Bass, Drums, Guitar is looking for a Synth Player as a proper member of the band. We usually unite in Moabit in a room on Sundays. Sometimes we do extra rehearsals in Noisy Rooms aswell.

We're in the middle of recording an Album and want to finish and album to use it to apply for liveshows in 2024. We've got over 8 Songs layed out, and operate with a heavy focus on recording/jamming - so we do a structure with vocals guitar, play it, then take it into jam, structure again, record etc until it feels right. One of a members is an experienced sound engineer so recording quality is pretty awesome, we play together live and recording to get the feeling down. Later guitar/bass/vocals/synth can be recorded via home studio. We also got some video recording capability in the band and everyone has live experience etc

Ideally we'd love to have a bit of a synth lover that likes to experiment with sounds, is good in improvising/doing stuff by ear but may also have some theoretical knowledge (not a must). Some cool berlin electro sounds could also be very interesting.
If you got some home recording setup so we can send you files and you record your stuff over it that would also be super nice. We're doing Logic at the moment but can track bounce so you can use other software aswell.

One thing to take into account is that two of our members are shortly soon going into baby break, which is also a reason why we are so recording focussed. So we'll pretty much have to work with what we have. But nevertheless we're covinced that it's worth it and that we're going to get some good stuff out that we can perform next year.

So yeah, hit us up if you think it's a match :)
Community search:
Psychedelic/Funky Band looking for Key + Synth Player for Recording + Gigs